Two people donating their time to clean up trash in a stream.


Learn how to give what will really get used to the charities of your choice.

According to a report from Giving 美国, Americans gave a record $471.到2020年捐款440亿美元 等于1美元以上.每天290亿. 非营利组织需要人们投入时间, money and material charitable donations to work and sustain themselves. 这里有一些个人和 家庭 喜欢捐赠他们的金钱,资源和时间.


  • 捐款 ― Many charitable organizations accept cash, checks, credit cards and other forms of payments. T在这里 are many worthwhile charities and t在这里 are some that are scams. 了解慈善机构是否有信誉 美国.政府.
  • 个人物品捐赠 ― Various charitable organizations accept tangible items and contributions in addition to monetary donations. Some things to donate to charity are: 车辆s, stock, jewelry or real estate. Clothing, furniture and other items are also accepted at some organizations. Not every charity accepts or needs this type of donation so be sure to contact the organization or check their website to verify.
  • 食品储藏室捐赠 -捐赠予慈善机构,包括 食品分发处 帮助许多需要帮助的人. Before you donate be sure to check to see what the organizations really needs. Some 食品分发处 also need people to volunteer their time and accept monetary donations.
  • 奉献你的时间 ― T在这里 are certain kinds of organizations that need time much more than they need money. Many charities do not pay staff so volunteers that can help and donate their time is priceless. T在这里 are many opportunities to donate your time, regardless of your age. A few examples might be helping in a soup kitchen, helping at a fund-raising event, mentoring a 青少年 or 孩子, giving a talk at a local senior center and so many other ways. 也有 儿童 一些组织的志愿者机会.


T在这里 are a variety of ways to donate to organizations outside of the United 状态s. Any refugee group in your city probably has a community center or church. Try reaching out to ask who is helping them and explore any social media pages for ways to donate. 你的捐赠, 以及它可能产生的影响, reaches beyond the United 状态s and touches so many people worldwide.


Always be discrete and respectful of recipients when donating time, 向有需要的人或家庭提供资源或物品. 最近, a group of volunteers collected toys for 孩子ren during the holidays, and they noticed that when they showed up at houses to give out the toys, the parents or guardians sometimes left because they were embarrassed. 在那之后, the organization decided to keep the toys at a church instead, and the parents could pick them out and give them to their own 孩子ren. 虽然帮助别人感觉很好, being sensitive and respecting how the recipients feel is critical.


T在这里 are many intangible ways to give back to your community. A few examples include helping 家庭 in need, starting a 社区花园 or 铲雪. 有时候,一些简单的事情会给别人带来很大的帮助. In addition to helping others, you will get to know new people.

不管你是否付出了时间和资源, charities help the community and country in many substantial ways. 每一点都有帮助,你可能会发现它 打开新的大门 的机会.

The information in this article was obtained from various sources not associated with 状态 Farm® (including 状态 Farm Mutual 汽车mobile pp王者电子官网 Company and its subsidiaries and affiliates). 虽然我们相信它是可靠和准确的, we do not warrant the accuracy or reliability of the information. 州立农场不负责, 不赞同或赞同, 隐式或显式, the content of any third party sites that might be hyperlinked from this page. The information is not intended to replace manuals, instructions or information provided by a manufacturer or the advice of a qualified professional, or to affect coverage under any applicable insurance policy. These suggestions are not a complete list of every loss control measure. 状态 Farm makes no guarantees of results from use of this information.




T在这里’s one ready to offer personalized service to fit your specific needs.



T在这里 are countless ways to volunteer in community efforts that don't take lots of time.


National observance seeks to inspire action across the U.S.




帮助ing your local food pantry goes beyond just donating food. 这是帮助社区的好方法.